Goal-Setting Guide and Setting Yourself up for Success
Are you interested in making a change but don’t know where to start? Do you have a goal but find it difficult to take action? Here is a step-by-step guide with tips on taking committed action in your life. Keep in mind that the New Year does not mean you need to focus on goal setting. Free yourself from any internalized pressure. Though if you want to focus on goal setting, read on below.
Steps to take in goal setting
Step 1: Identify your values
Clarifying your values is like looking at a map. Your values give you information on which road to take and help guide your course of action. It’s important to check in with our values because, as you grow and evolve, values can shift and priorities can change. You can complete a values clarification exercise to help guide this process.
Step 2: Set SMART goals
When you know which value you’d like to act upon, use the SMART goals acronym to inform goal setting.
S = Specific (when we set vague goals such as ‘I’ll be a better friend’ it is hard to follow through as opposed to specific goals such as ‘I will call x friends this week to catch up’)
M = Meaningful (ensure that this goal aligns with your values)
A = Adaptive (will this goal benefit you and your life?)
R = Realistic (is this a realistic goal given your current resources i.e. time, capacity, health, social support, money, skillset. If not, it will be helpful to edit your goals to focus on acquiring the resources needed)
T = Time-bound (put it on the calendar, identify the time you will carry out an action)
Step 3: Identify benefits
Reflect on all of the ways carrying out this goal will lead to positive outcomes in your life.
Step 4: Identify obstacles
Consider potential barriers that may arise and block you from achieving your goals, and how you will navigate them.
Step 5: Make a commitment
I commit to… (write down your goal).
Mindsets and behaviors that increase your chance of success
Allow flexibility. As we begin working towards goals, we learn more about ourselves and life is constantly evolving. Don’t approach a goal with an all or nothing mindset. Instead, approach it with curiosity. If something isn’t working, give yourself permission to adapt and edit the plan (i.e. adding time, choosing a different approach).
Reward progress. Count your small wins and give yourself credit along the way.
Tell somebody. When we share our goals with our inner circle, it helps with accountability and allows our support systems to help us.
Embrace uncertainty. We don’t know what the future holds and there are factors outside of our control. When we accept this as a part of life, we befriend the unknown. This allows us to adapt when obstacles arise.
Remember, the planning and pursuit of your goals is just as important as the achievement itself. Every dream starts with a single action, so craft those goals and set yourself up for success!
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